Upholstery Cleaning

Today’s modern upholstered furniture comes in so many different styles, shapes, and upholstery fabrics that it can be difficult to pick our the individual pieces or furniture sets you love. However, one thing is certain, the price of that upholstered furniture can be extremely expensive, which makes it all the more important to keep your furniture looking as good as possible for as long as possible. The problems is, if you are like most people, the very thought of trying to clean your upholstered furniture can be a bit overwhelming. Not only is your furniture probably big and bulky, but most people aren’t sure what type of fabric is covering their furniture or how to clean that fabric. Cleaning upholstery fabric is not easy. Different types of upholstery fabrics need to be treated differently during the cleaning process. Use the wrong cleaning method or wrong cleaning products and you could end up faded or running colors, water spots, or ruin the fabric completely. Why not call Farmingdale Carpet Cleaning to clean your upholstered furniture and save yourself all that extra work and worry?

We Clean All Different Types of Upholstered Furniture

Our trained and skilled upholstery cleaning technicians are trained to clean all different types of upholstered furniture from the smallest ottoman to the largest recliner or sofa. They know what cleaning method to use on different types of upholstery fabrics and will leave your upholstery looking and smelling clean and fresh without fading or your upholstery’s color or leaving behind any water spots. They can even remove spots, stains, and odors from your upholstery leaving it looking almost new.

Additional Services our Upholstery Cleaning Technicians Provide

In order to help you maintain the clean and fresh smelling home you want and deserve our upholstery cleaning technicians will also be more than happy to clean your drapes, blinds, and any colorful tapestries you have hanging on your wall, leaving your entire room looking cleaning and brighter and smelling fresher. You can give us a call if you would like a free estimate based on your specific upholstery cleaning needs. .

Our upholstery cleaning technicians start the process by thoroughly vacuuming your upholstered furniture to remove all the loose dirt and pollen from your furniture, removing any cushions to ensure that your furniture is vacuumed inside and out. They then identify the type of upholstery fabric (there is normally a tag that helps guide them) and then using the right upholstery cleaning method and product for each specific type of upholstery they will thoroughly clean your upholstered furniture treating any stains or odors as they clean. You upholstery will not only look cleaner it will smell cleaner as well. .

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